Wednesday, May 5, 2010

awesome deal

So I wanted this Nikon 18-200 lens. Old version, new version, I didn't care. One small fix to the lens, but same quality pictures. You can fix the old lens with a rubber band. The boy (husband!) offered to buy it for me. Still, $709 is a lot to swallow. So he went to Best Buy to see what their price is. $849 for the VR II! Yeah right! 

My boy is thorough. He looked in the back and found this baby. $499.99. Open box, old style. I have 14 days to give it a whirl and see if there is anything wrong with it. Keeping my fingers crossed that we just got lucky! 

Here are some pictures I took with the lens. I set the aperture to f/5, so there is a decent amount of bokeh in some of them. Yay! These are straight from the camera, no editing.

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